What is TMD/TMJ? – Plano, TX
Is TMD the Source of Your Pain?

Is your jaw constantly stiff and painful, or does it even “lock up” while opening or closing? Are your teeth looking worn down because you are grinding them while you are asleep? Do you get a headache or migraine almost every single day?
If you answered “Yes” to any of these questions, then you may be suffering from a TMD, or temporomandibular joint disorder. The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is the small set of hinges on either side of your ears that allow your lower jaw to move. Problems in this area can cause all the symptoms we’ve touched on above and more, but at Orofacial Pain Associates, our team can help patients finally get the relief they deserve using our proven, non-invasive methods. To learn more about what could be causing your pain, read on below.
Why Choose Orofacial Pain Associates for TMD/TMJ?

- Led by a Doctor with 30+ Years of Experience Treating TMD
- Advanced Technology Helps Us Discover the Source of Pain
- Personalized Treatment Plans Designed for Every Patient
What Causes TMJ Disorder (TMD)?

If you look up “TMD” or “TMJ disorder” online, you’ll find that some of the most common causes tend to be daily stress, strain to the joint, a misaligned bite, arthritis, and injury. However, one of the major sources of TMD is often overlooked, and that’s a high estrogen level.
A large percentage of our patients are women of child-bearing age, usually between 14-40 years old. The reason this specific group of people often develop TMD is because an elevated estrogen level actually causes the joints throughout the body to have higher than normal flexibility. Thus, this can create uncomfortable popping and clicking in the jaw and throw off the delicate balance of the TMJ.
What Are Common TMD Symptoms?

A TMD can lead to a wide variety of symptoms, but the most common tend to be:
- Chronic jaw pain
- Stiffness in the jaw
- Reduced mobility of the jaw, or becoming “stuck”
- Frequent headaches and migraines
- Ear aches
- Neck aches
- Unconscious jaw clenching and teeth grinding during sleep