People from all around the DFW area send us questions every day asking about what they should do about their chronic pain, and we’re always more than happy to answer them. Feel free to give our team a call any time for information regarding your situation, but before that, be sure to read the answers to some of the most common questions we receive below.
Frequently Asked Questions - Plano, TX
The Answers You’ve
Been Looking For
What is TMD/TMJ?
These two terms are often used interchangeably, but they are actually two distinct things. The temporomandibular joint, or TMJ, is your jaw joint that allows you to move your mouth in all directions. A temporomandibular joint disorder, or TMD, is a problem with the TMJ that can lead to chronic pain and stiffness throughout the face, head, and neck.
Can you treat my jaw/face/neck/ear pain?
If your pain is the direct result of a TMD, then yes, Orofacial Pain Associates is able to provide the specialized care needed to address these issues. By fixing the underlying problem in the jaw, we can remove the source of the pain felt throughout the head and neck.
What can you do about headaches/migraines?
Frequent headaches/migraines can often be the result of an untreated TMD creating stress and tension that is affecting the muscles in the head. Using a variety of treatments and therapies, we can correct the TMD and therefore cut off the source of the headaches/migraines in many cases. Some of our treatments take time to fully work, so we can provide faster, short-term solutions as well in the form of medication and injectable treatments.
Can Botox really help with TMD?
Yes! Even though Botox is mostly known for its cosmetic benefits, it has long been used as a pain reliever for TMD. We simply inject it into overactive jaw muscles to stop unconscious clenching and teeth grinding, allowing everything to relax and heal.
How can you treat sleep apnea?
Sleep apnea and TMD are often interrelated, so by treating one, we can largely reduce or even eliminate the other. With an oral appliance, we can help a patient’s jaw stay in a position throughout the night that allows them to breathe normally, cutting down on any sleep apnea. This can also address problems and pain related to TMD!
Do you accept insurance?
We are out of network with all insurances, we are able to give you a claim form to send to your medical insurance, but we just cannot guarantee reimbursement.
I don’t have insurance. Can I finance my care with you?
Yes! Our practice is partnered with CareCredit, which enables our patients to get low-to-no interest financing right through our website. You can learn more about their different plans and even sign up for one today by visiting our For Patients page.
Do you accept Medicare?
No, we are out of network with Medicare as well but we do offer a discount for our Medicare patients.