Advanced Dental Technology – Plano, TX
Better Instruments, Better Care, Better Results

In order to diagnose and treat orofacial pain as effectively as possible, our team utilizes state-of-the-art instruments every single day that help us accurately determine what is causing a patient’s problems. With this information, we can easily figure out the appropriate course of treatment, providing patients with the hope and relief they’ve been searching for. Our technology also makes the patient experience more transparent, ensuring every question has a clear answer. To learn more about some of the equipment we’ll use to make your pain finally go away, read on below.
Committed to State-of-the-Art & Comfortable Dental Experiences
- Digital Impression System: Fast, Accurate, and Putty-Free Impressions
- Team Led by a Doctor with 30+ Years of Orofacial Pain Experience
- Personalized Treatment Plans for Every Patient
Digital Impression System
Many sources of orofacial pain stem from how the teeth come together and the way this affects the muscles, tendons, and ligaments of the jaw joint, or TMJ. A misaligned bite, for example, can place excess pressure on the joint and create pain and stiffness felt throughout the head and neck. Before we can diagnose the source of a patient’s pain, we need to take an impression of their bite so we can have an accurate picture of their oral orientation. In the past, this would have involved a patient literally biting down into a mold filled with dental putty. Not only was the putty itself gooey and odd-tasting, but having a patient who’s already in pain bite down onto something could be very uncomfortable as well!
Thankfully, we’ve brought impressions into the 21st-century with our 100% digital system. Gone are the putty and the mold! Instead, we simply scan the mouth with a small handheld device, and it captures dozens of unique images of the teeth. Then, on a nearby monitor, these images are pieced together by sophisticated software to form a full dental impression. Compared to the old way, this approach is dramatically faster, more comfortable, and never requires time-wasting retakes.
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